Source: Bulletin, The (OR) Section: My Nickles Worth, Page: A-6 Contact: Pubdate: 02, Oct. 1998 Author: Paul Thomas, Seattle A SIMPLE INTERIM MEASURE You rightly state the issue in your " NO on Measure 67 " editorial, but appear a little muddled in conclusion. At this time, with federal intransigence at odds with state's rights, a tidy little distribution network with government oversight, as logical and proper as that sounds, is simply unrealistic. The " grow your own " concept is not " a ludicrous solution," but a direct and simple interim measure. It allows the federales to get used to the idea of states rights, and gives the state time to develop appropriate controls. No single measure is going to answer all contingencies; all we need to do now is respect the capacity of our citizens to act in their own best interest and apply controls as the need arises. - --- Checked-by: Rich O'Grady