Source: San Francisco Bay Guardian Website: Contact: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 RETIRE THE IDIOT Since Proposition 215 passed, Dan Lungren has insisted that the voters didn't understand what we were doing and certainly didn't mean to really legalize medical marijuana. Since then Lungren has tried to invalidate the voters' will using the full opposition of the Attorney General's Office. Mr. Lungren seems to think that two years of unrelenting opposition to medical marijuana for his own personal reasons will somehow change the opinion of the electorate. That alone shows insufficient intelligence to govern the state. What an idiot. On Election Day, I'm going to be one of the many millions of Californians who let Lungren know that we understood exactly what we meant by voting for Prop. 215 by sending this inane jackass into retirement! REDFORD GIVENS San Francisco - --- Checked-by: Joel W. Johnson