Source: Alberta Report
Author: Troy Stewart
Pubdate: May 18 1998

Our Newshawk comments: "Although Alberta Report is socially conservative,
they have seem to have taken a keen interest in marijuana. Their coverage
of the Grant Kreiger trial should prove interesting."

Local pot stays local

There were a few factual errors in your report, "Welcome to superlative pot
country," (April 20).

My wife, Amanda Stewart, smoked more cannabis while she was in labour than
she normally does, but she didn't start smoking more marijuana when she
became pregnant; in fact, her cannabis consumption went down. After birth,
the baby actually gained only seven pounds in two months, not 12 pounds as

There is not any internationally accepted scientific research which shows
cannabis as anything but benign; in fact, a recent pulmonary study by the
University of California at Los Angeles suggests cannabis actually cleans
the lungs of tars and irritants associated with tobacco smoking and pollution.

The comments by RCMP Corporal Bob Simmonds, that most of the pot grown in
Alberta is consumed elsewhere, are incorrect. Alberta-grown cannabis is
primarily smoked here. The thought of a Zapatista rebel seeking out Alberta
pot is ludicrous.

Troy Stewart, executive director, Cannabis Relegalization Society of
Alberta, Edmonton

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Checked-by: Mike Gogulski