Pubdate: 16 Jan 1998
Source: The European 
Contact :  (44) (0)171 713 1840 
Comment : Shorter letters preferred. Letters may be edited for clarity.


Last summer we heard that the Labour Party had sent a circular to all its
MPs telling them that if they spoke or voted against the Government they
risked de-selection.

We now hear that the Labour Party have instructed all 60 MEPs to vote
against the report being presented by Hedy D'Ancona, the former Dutch
welfare, health and culture minister, who chaired the EU parliamentary
commission on drugs. The report calls for EU harm-reduction policies, room
for regional solutions and studies of alternatives.  It concludes that the
approach to solving the drugs 'problem' using heavy-handed tactics, has

How many of our elected representatives think for themselves? Judging by
both their reaction to the changes in welfare benefits and their recent
silence over the cannabis issue, not many.

Why don't we drop the pretense of democracy, get rid of all the Labour MPs
and MEPs who so enthusiastically toe-the-party-line without question, and
invest the money saved in cloning Tony Blair?

Whatever happened to democracy and the voice of the voters? 

Alun Buffry 
Norwich England