SentLTE-Digest Wednesday, September 27 2017 Volume 17 : Number 001
001 LTE: Black Lives Matter
From: John Chase <>
002 LTE: Re: 'How to win a war on drugs' (9-24-17).
From: Kirk Muse <>
Subj: 001 LTE: Black Lives Matter
From: John Chase <>
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2016 08:15:27 -0700
Sent to Tampa Bay Times
Cops shoot first because they distrust Black men and want to go home at
the end of their shift. The mind does strange things in an emotionally
charged encounter. If, during a traffic stop, the driver says "I'm
reaching for my wallet", the cop's mind sees a gun. For him it is shoot
or risk being shot. While different in the particulars, that dynamic
explains most cop-on-Black killings in the U.S.
Americans are conditioned by crime hype and 'perp walks' as Black
arrestees are paraded on the TV evening news. Prosecutors promise to
protect us, then run for the legislature, where they enact more
penalties and prisons. Americans now have far more prisoners per capita
than any other Western country.
This, America's self-inflicted wound, began 35 years ago when Nixon
signed the CSA (Controlled Substances Act). It created crime where none
existed before, and its selective enforcement against Black men has
driven a wedge between them and the police. Today's cop-on-Black
killings will not end until drugs are legal and regulated.
John G. Chase
1620 E Dorchester Dr
Palm Harbor, Florida 34684
(727) 727-787-3085
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Subj: 002 LTE: Re: 'How to win a war on drugs' (9-24-17).
From: Kirk Muse <>
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2017 21:16:21 -0700
To the Editor of the New York Times:
Thanks for publishing Nicholas Kristof's outstanding column: "How to win
a war on drugs" (9-24-17).
I'd like to add that the war on drugs is just a metaphor. A metaphor
that has transformed the
United States into the most incarcerated nation in the history of human
civilization. A metaphor
that has made the words freedom and justice just empty words. A metaphor
that has convinced
millions of Americans that we just build a tall enough and long enough
wall on our Southern
border we will somehow be able to keep illegal drugs out of our country.
Even though every
jail and every prison in the United States have illegal drugs inside
every one of them.
Kirk Muse
1741 S. Clearview Ave.
Mesa, AZ 85209
(480) 396-3399
Thank you for considering this letter for publication.
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End of SentLTE-Digest V17 #1
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